"Reset Day" tasks to start your week off on the right fooT

Every Sunday, I run through a few simple tasks that help me and my family start the week off on the right foot. Whether you do this routine before the start of the week or in the middle of the week is completely up to you. I hope some of these ideas can help you build a weekly routine that saves you a little time and stress.

Praying doesn’t need to take 30 minutes, doing a Bible study doesn’t have to mean digging out 18 different colored highlighters and pens. We often overcomplicate spending time with God and reading His word, but it can be easier than that.Praying doesn’t need to take 30 minutes, doing a Bible study doesn’t have to mean digging out 18 different colored highlighters and pens. We often overcomplicate spending time with God and reading His word, but it can be easier than that.

Organizing & Planning

Our family likes to plan our meals a month at a time, however, for fresh fruits & veggies, we have to go grocery shopping weekly to make sure we have all the ingredients needed to cook dinners for the week. Sunday is our errand day, so we will go grocery shopping (usually we order for pickup or get it delivered with Instacart), fill the car with gas, prep food as needed, and run any other errands we may have.

  • Update the budget

  • Pick up groceries for the week

  • Plan and prep breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week (frozen breakfast burritos are our go-to as well as leftovers for lunch that we prep by cooking double the servings during dinners)

  • Add any upcoming events to the calendar (we use google calendars as a family)

  • Braindump tasks for the week & schedule them onto the calendar

  • Plan and pull outfits for the week for each family member (this makes it super quick to get dressed in the mornings)

Cleaning and Chores

We like to run errands early in the morning when things first open so that we can get it out of the way. Once we get home, it’s time to deep clean for a busy week ahead. Cleaning once per week and doing daily tidying helps our home stay (mostly) clean and organized. Here’s my go-to checklist for cleaning up:

  • Clean bathroom sinks

  • Empty / Load dishwasher if needed

  • Laundry

  • Strip the beds

  • Clean out the fridge

  • Clean out the microwave

  • Wipe table and chairs

  • Scrub the kitchen sink

  • Clean the toilets

  • Clean the showers

  • Mop the floors

  • Vacuum

  • Clean the pet bowls

Family Meeting / Monthly Priorities

This step might be the one thing that keeps us sane - COMMUNICATION. Getting on the same page as your spouse/roommates/family/friends can help your week go smoothly. Every weekend, we have a family meeting to walk through the budget together, discuss dinner plans for the week, discuss our schedules and workload, and finally to share any prayer requests.

Along with this, we plan monthly days that help our family get little breaks. Every single month we plan one day to do the following:

  • Schedule a Reset day if needed (a day to get any “back burner” type projects done)

  • Plan a family date day (like the zoo, a movie night, or game night)

  • Plan a couples date night (don’t forget to date your spouse!)

  • Plan a girls and guys night (we each have a night to spend with our friends)

  • Plan a game night (time with friends or family to just play some games together)

  • Plan a self-care day for each family member
    This one is the best thing we have ever done for our marriage and our family. Every month we plan one day where that person gets the entire day with no responsibilities. They don’t have to cook, clean, care for kids, pets, or errands - they get to do whatever they want. My husband often spends this day catching up on school, playing video games, or working on his car. I often spend my day writing, reading, pampering myself, or creating content.


This post contains affiliate links - as always any links are products or services I use myself and would recommend only based on my own experience.


3 Apps to Organize Your Daily Work


“Reset Day” tasks to start your week off on the right foot